At Green Cameroon, we believe that partnerships are key to getting the best results possible. Together, we will attract more attention, reach more people and have a bigger impact.
For many years now, we have had many successful collaboration with our partners in environment. Are you also interested in working together with Green Cameroon? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Forestry, Agriculture, Animal and Fishery Network
FAAFNET is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in December 1997 with the focus on educating and empowering local farmers and villagers in maximizing the sustainable usage of their natural resources and the promotion of alternative income generating activities.

International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development
ICENECDEV is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Buea, created in 2005 by a group of young dynamic teachers. ICENECDEV is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis, raise environmental awareness, promoting education and supporting community development programmes by sharing practical ways in which people are addressing environmental and human rights issues. We work in partnership with local communities, common initiative groups, schools, prisons, Universities, businesses to resolve environmental and human rights education
Mount CEO

Formerly known as Mount Cameroon Ecotourism Organization, abbreviated as Mount CEO is an NGO created and funded by Mount Cameroon Project (GTZ) in cooperation with the German Development Service (DED).Its aim is to develop and promote sustainable tourism in the Mount Cameroon Region. Our main objectives are: to promote biodiversity conservation in the Region and to integrate tourism with nature conservation through Ecotourism, which should contribute to improvement of living standard of local communities.
University of Buea
The University of Buea was born in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon. UB, as it is fondly referred to, is the only English-speaking University in Cameroon. Conceived in the English-speaking tradition, the University of Buea seeks to foster the essence of that system, while situating itself within the larger bilingual and multicultural context of Cameroon.
Antioch University
Antioch University provides learner-centered education to empower students with the knowledge and skills to lead meaningful lives and to advance social, economic, and environmental justice.
New Forest Project
The mission of the New Forests Project is to protect, conserve, and enhance the health of the Earth’s ecosystems and the people depending on them by supporting integrated grassroots efforts in agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, reforestation and protection of natural resources.
Tufts University

Tufts’ Vision:
“As we shape our future, quality will be the pole star that guides us. We will seek quality in our teaching and research and in the services that support our academic enterprise. Our programs will be those that meet our own high standards, that augment each other, and that are worthy of the respect of our students and of scholars, educators, and the larger community.”
Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development is an African non-governmental organization established in 2017 to enhance sustainable development in the Virunga Mountains region in East Africa.
The Organization believes in community-driven sustainable development, through supporting locally-led environmental conservation and sustainable tourism initiatives. These initiatives provide viable livelihoods for local communities which have the power to lift underserved communities out of poverty and instill in them a sense of purpose and pride. And the organization rely on the expertise and commitment of both local and international partners to achieve its goals and it’s a member of different national and international network dedicated to climate change and environmental conservation.
Red Rocks Initiative for sustainable Development has a sister organization, Red Rocks Rwanda, which is a social enterprise and cultural center that offers camp facilities, eco-tours, and philanthropic opportunities, which supports community developmental initiatives.
RCE Buea
UN Regional Centre of Expertise on Education For Sustainable Development
RCE Buea addresses the major socioeconomic and environmental challenges that exist in the Southwest Region of Cameroon and to promote education for sustainable development initiatives. The exceptional and unique biodiversity of the southwest region makes it one of the highest conservation priorities in Central Africa. Increased pressures from surrounding populations and large industrial scale palm, rubber, tea and banana plantations seriously threaten wildlife and other natural resources of the area.
Wewuley Consultancy
This is a Community Based Forest and Environmental Management Consultancy based in Bova II – Buea. The main goal of the Consultancy is to generate statistical databases to guide future use and protection of the “Green Gold” – the African Rainforest Ecosystem.
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